Rabu, 19 Maret 2008

Clans in Naruto

Aburame Clan

Location: Konoha Village
Known Members: Aburame Shino, Abruame Shino's Father
Info: The Abruame Clan is most widely known for it's association with bugs. Once a member is born the bugs are allowed to feed on it's chakra. In exchange, the bugs will help them fight

Akimichi Clan

Location: Konoha Village
Known Members: Chouji, Chomaru
Info: This clan includes two of the most obese ninjas in the series. The Akimichi clan specializes in certain techniques and use pills that manipulate their body weight to gain an advantage in battle.

Haku's Clan

Location: Mist Village
Known Members: Haku, Haku's Mother
Info: This clan was formed in the Mist Village. Not much is known about this clan. Most of the special attacks passed down from this clan has to do with the manipulation of water.

Hyuuga Clan

Location: Konoha Village
Known Members: Hyuuga Hanabi, Hyuuga Hiashi, Hyuuga Hinata, Hyuuga Hizashi, Hyuuga Neji
Info: The Hyuuga clan is most notably known for it's bloodline: The Byakugan. Hyuuga is one of the longest running clans in the series. This clan is run different than most clans. There are two families of the clan, the head and the branch family. There is much bitterness between them. The branch family is like slaves to the head family. They exist only to protect and sacrifice themselves for the head family. When a branch family member reaches four, they have a seal carved into there forehead which allows the head family to kill them with ease, stopping any revolt.

Inuzuka Clan

Location: Konoha Village
Known Members: Akamaru, Inuzuka Kiba
Info: This clan is known to have connections with canines which is why the members of this clan fight like dogs. Most of the attacks and abilities of these clan members are like duplicates of real dogs.

Kaguya Clan

Location: Mist Village
Known Members: Kaguya Kimimaro
Info: This clan is known for the ability to re-structure their bones. They can make their bones in their body turn into steel-strong weapons. Most of the members in the clan have been wiped out from battle.

Nara Clan

Location: Konoha Village
Members: Nara Shikamaru
Info: Members of this clan have the special ability with shadows. They can change their shadows to it follows others and controls their bodies so they emulate the exact movements of the shadow. They also famous as clans with medical lab.

Uchiha Clan

Location: Konoha Village
Members: Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke's Father and Mother
Info: The Uchiha clan is one of the most feared clans. They have been completely decimated from the attack of fellow member Uchiha Itachi. Only he and his younger brother Sasuke remain. Members of the Uchiha clan have the special bloodline: Sharingan. This bloodline of the eyes allows those who carry it to copy attacks.

Basic Weapons

Kunai - The Kunai is a kind of basic dagger that all ninjas use. It is all-purpose and can be used as a throwing knife or to stab at your opponents. It is extremely vital for all Shinobi to have.

Shuriken - The shuriken, otherwise known as ninja stars, is a very deadly and commonly used weapon. There are two types of shuriken: the tiny ones which are more smaller and easier to throw, and the Fuuma Shuriken: a huge shuriken used for fast and easy killing. It is very unwieldy, but if it hits you, you're as good as dead! While the Fuuma shuriken is preferred by the older and more experienced Shinobi, some Genin find it easier to use than the regular sized shuriken.

Fuuma Shuriken - The fuuma shuriken is also known as the windmill shuriken. It is much larger than the normal shuriken and it is also collapsible. Though the accuracy rate is much lower the effects of being hit by a fuuma shuriken are far more deadly.

Katanas - Katanas are one sided swords used as the default weapon for ANBU members. They are also used by the samurai body guards of Gatou.

Makibishi - Makibishi are small nails used to attack the opponent with. Just like the Senbon Needles, it does not hit the opponent very often. Some ninjas use this weapon as a distraction for his/her main attack. Makibishis have 4 pointed spikes and are also used to slow down an opponent. Its shape makes it so at least one point is always facing up.

Food Pills - You would be surprised to consider this a weapon, but it is. Food pills allow the user to double their chakra and even fight three days non-stop. Also when fed to some animals it creates a chemical reaction. Kabuto, Orochimaru's #1 subordinate has been known to use a blood pill, which regenerates blood lost in battle. The AkimichiClan (Chouji's family) uses a set of 3 pills that greatly increase the user's abilities and can even change their appearance.

Animals/Insects - Animals are also considered as weapons. Some animals have chemical reactions when fed food pills. Inuzuka Kiba's dog, Akamaru turns red and grows in size when fed! Also, Aburame Shino of the Insect Clan uses his bugs to sap chakra out of his opponents. Sometimes it's so deadly that they can never fight again! The Kuchiyose no Jutsu or The Summoning Technique allows the user to summon animals through the space-time continuum. There have been six users who can use Kuchiyose no Jutsu Gama Sennin. They are: Naruto, 5th Hokage, Orochimaru, Jiriaya, and Maito Gai, and 3rd Hokage. Each Kuchiyose allows the user to summon a large creature. Naruto's and Jiraiya's creature is a toad, 5th Hokage's is a slug, Orochimaru's is a snake, Gai's is a turtle, and 3rd Hokage's is an ape.

Bombs - Oddly enough, bombs are used in Naruto, but not often. So far there has only been 3 different bombs seen in the series: Smoke, Gas and Light. The smoke bomb is either used as a distraction or an escape tool. The gas bomb is simply a poisonous gas bomb which causes coughing once breathed in. The light bomb is used to blind a person and it was used to blind Tayuya as part of one of Shikamaru's plans.

Ointment - Ointments are simply used as a healing cream or used to relieve pain.

Exploding Tags - A commonly used weapon, exploding tags are pieces of paper with the Japanese character "Baku," which means "explode" written on it. These tags can be easily placed on various items and will ignite them and explode after a short amount of time.

Umbrella - Umbrellas are used by the Shinobi of the Rain village. These umbrellas are mainly used to conceal thousands of needles which, when the umbrella is thrown into the air spinning, spread out in a rain-like fashion.

Wire - Wires are simple thin metal wiring often tied to the kunai or shuriken and thrown to in groups to fasten an enemy to a tree or rock.

Special Weapons & Tools

Senbon Needles - Senbon needles, while mainly used for Acupuncture (a form of Chinese healing that includes sticking needles in strategic spots on your body, redirecting ki or your life force so that it balances out) some Shinobi, properly trained, can use them as deadly weapons. One of the reasons it is not all that popular is it requires extreme accuracy and speed, fore these are only deadly if they hit a vital area of the body. Masters of the Senbon Needle combat are in a way, masters of illusion. With the right precision and timing, a Shinobi can throw a Senbon Needle seemingly at a vital target on an ally, but actually missing it by a few inches. This causes the ally to go into a death-like trance in which the Shinobi will appear dead. Even if the opponents were to take precautions to see if they are really dead. The only known Shinobi who uses Senbon Needles in is Haku.

Kankuro's Pupperts (Karasu, Kuroari, Sanshōuo, and ???) - These are the main weapons of Kankuro from the Sand Village. At first he only carries one, but as the story goes on he adds more puppets to his arsenal, reflecting how he himself grows in strength. All of these puppets were originally created by Sasori of the Red Sand, but Kankuro has since then added a few new tricks to them.

Kankuro’s first puppet is first used during the Chunnin Exam. Karasu was most likely named for the dark cloak that covers his body and the four arms giving him a crow-like appearance. Though apparently a simple human-sized marionette, Karasu is actually a fierce offensive weapon and literally every inch of Karasu’s body is loaded with some kind of weapon involving poisoned blades, projectile launchers and even poisonous gas. Karasu’s body can even separate and the individual pieces can be used as weapons and projectiles.

First seen during the Sasuke Retrieval arc, Kuroari is similar in appearance to Karasu except he has six arms and a much larger head and body, similar to the body of a real ant. Function wise, Kuroari is not an offensive puppet like Karasu, but instead is built to capture opponents with barbed blades in each signet of his arms and a hollow body cavity used as a prison. Kuroari also makes a devastating combination when used alongside Karasu as Karasu can be used to harass the opponent in Kuroari’s grasp. Once the opponent has been locked inside Kuroari’s body cavity Karasu, combined with the Kuroari, they performs a devastating Karakuri Engeki: Kuro Higi Ippatsu (The Puppet play: Secret Technique – Darkness attack) wherein Karasu’s Head, legs, and arms separate and extend long blades from their bases. All seven limbs then pierce into special slits on Kuroari’s body and their blades impale whoever’s unlucky enough to be inside.

This third puppet is briefly revealed at the beginning of the Rescue Gaara arc when Kankuro becomes a Jounin of the Sand Village. Unlike the first two puppets which are relatively human shaped and sized, Sanshōuo takes the form of an enormous lizard, and while not much is seen of Sanshōuo, its function is based on brute strength and mass destruction. Given the fact the Kankuro’s favorite hobby is to install new tricks and gadgets into his puppets, Sanshōuo is no doubt loaded with such mechanisms.

After Kankuro recovers from his battle with Sasori of the Red Sand, he appears to have gained a 4th puppet, but since it remained bandaged on his back, not much is known of this puppet.

Temari's Fan - This huge fold-up fan is Temari's primary weapon. This fan has 3 purple circles drawn on it which Temari calls: "stars." Each "star" that is unfolded increases the fan's power greatly. Temari can use this fan to summon great gusts of wind and even use it to fly around.

Gaara's Gourd - Gaara of the Desert always wears this large tan gourd strapped across his back. It contains a large amount of sand, which serves as his one and only weapon in battle. The sand is mixed with the blood of the many people he’s killed and will emerge to shield Gaara from harm, even if Gaara himself does not command it to do so. It is later revealed the gourd itself is also made of sand allowing Gaara to draw sand from within the gourd while it appears closed for a sneak attack. The gourd can also dissolve completely and be used to increase Gaara’s sand supply.

Iron Knuckles - Iron knuckles are pointed knuckle weapons with a blade on the outward facing end. Extremely useful in hand-to-handcombats. This weapon is primarily used by Asuma.

Neck Cutter - This is an extremely large sword used by Zabuza. It is specially shaped and sharpened to be able to cut people clear in half. The sword itself is taller than Zabuza.

Samehada - Its name means “shark skin” and it's named after the fish servant of Isonade, a legendary giant demon shark with three tails and three dorsal fins. This large sword-like weapon is used by Kisame of the Akatsuki. It appears to simply be an extra large sword wrapped in bandages but once unveiled it is apparent that the sword has a great number of sharp, spike-like scales attached and formed into the shape of a sword. As with real shark skin, this sword does not cut, it shaves, and combined with Kisame’s immense physical strength anyone hit by this sword will be hurt significantly.

Flute - Flutes are basic musical instruments but with special purposes. A basic flute used by Tayuya of the Sound Five when added with chakra can create a Genjutsu to any enemy within earshot of the flute. Tayuya also uses this flute to control her summoned guardians.

Sickle and Chain - The Sicle and Chain is basically 2 giant claw-like weapons chained together and used as a 2-man weapon by the Demon Brothers of the Mist.
The edges of the chain are actually sharpened which makes it even more deadly. If needed the chains can be detached allowing each of the brothers to move independently.

Sword of Kusanagi - A legendary weapon wielded by Orochimaru; its name literally means “grass cutter,” but in ancient Japanese, kusa means “sword” and nagi means “snake,” thus Kusanagi can also mean “sword of the snake.” Some Japanese legends also refer to it as Ame Murakumo-No-Tsurugi (Sword of Billowing Clouds); it is said to have been salvaged from the one of the tails on the slain body of the Orochi, a legendary giant monster snake with 8 heads and 8 tails. Orochimaru keeps the sword inside a large snake which dwells inside his body and gets vomited up when Orochimaru wants the sword, which is also vomited up by the snake. In battle, the sword can cut through nearly anything and Orochimaru can move and control the sword even if he's not touching it. The blade often glows bright blue when he does this.

Dosu's Speaker - This is a special Chakra-controlled speaker used by Dosu of the Sound Nin. The speaker is able to take any sound and distort it to Dosu's whim. Anything from frequency to strength of the sound is under Dosu's control making him able to direct the sound at a specific target, completely distorting the enemy's balance and hearing.

Soldier Pills - These pills taken by Kiba allows him to fight for three days and three nights non-stop.

Sword of Raijin - This is a legendary weapon said to have been wielded by the Second Hokage. It looks like the hilt of a standard double edged sword, but the blade of the weapon is made of pure electricity and able to cut through any surface, even through chakra. Reported stolen from Konoha, the weapon resurfaced in the hands of a Shinobi from the Hidden Rain Village only to be destroyed by the damage from Sasuke and Naruto’s attacks.

Introduction of NARUTO

A long time ago, a demon fox with nine tails appeared. When a tail was swung, it would destroy a mountain and cause a tsunami. To counter it, the people gathered ninjas. One ninja sealed the monster in a life or death battle and died. That ninja was known as the Fourth Hokage... and with his death, he sealed the powers of the Nina-Tailed Demon Fox into the body of a young boy...

This young boy's name is Naruto. Naruto hopes one day he can become Hokage. Most people in the village dislike him and consider him a pest. Naruto causes havoc in order to get attention, since he is ignored due to the fact that people think he is the demon fox itself. After failing the Genin exam, Naruto is tricked into stealing a scroll to become Genin. He ends up in severe danger but Iruka, his teacher, comes to saves him. It ends up that Naruto saves Iruka from possible death and for that, he is upgraded to an official ninja where he begins his journey to become Hokage!

Ninja rank in Naruto

Academy Student
Becoming an Academy Student is the first step to becoming a professional ninja. Students are taught the basics to become a ninja. Rather than performing missions, all students are trained to master basic techniques and skills. All students enrolled are of very young age. In order to become a Genin, students must pass a comprehensive graduating test. Passing this test gives you all the chance in the world to become a great ninja. It is not very easy to make the cut and many students don't pass. This rank is probably he most crucial stage towards becoming an elite ninja.

The Genin is considered the lowest rank for a ninja. Most Genin's don't perform missions, but train like academy students. Genin ranked ninjas usually perform harsh labor and dirty work. When put into missions; they usually perform D ranked missions. Every Genin is assigned a Jounin instructor. The Jounin instructor helps train the Genin to become a wise and skilled ninja.

Chuunin is considered a medium ranked ninja. Only two Genin's become a Chuunin every year, so becoming a Chuunin is not that easy. In this rank you are no longer and follower, but a leader. Becoming a Chuunin allows you to teach lower ranked ninja's and students. Chuunin's are involved in more significant missions opposed to the ones given to the Genin.

Becoming a Jounin is the highest level ninja you can become; unless you are a Kage. Jounin's are given very intense and serious missions that most of the time include: assassinations. When you become a Jounin, you are assigned three Genins to look over. One part of your duties to help instruct and train these Genins to become great ninjas.

Only a few of the highly skilled have become a Kage. Kages are highly respected ninja that perform the most dangerous missions. Usually they hunt down notorious crooks and villains, risking there lives to keep the peace. There is only one Kage per village. When you are a Kage, you are considered the leader or your respected village. You make all the big decisions such as engaging in war or making laws.

Country List

In the series of Naruto there are 10 countries. Every country has their own hidden village. Below you can find a map of each country, as well as information such as: which village belongs to them.

Every country is named or associated with a certain type of element. Fighters who come from one of those countries usually have special techniques that have to do with their respected element. In the series of Naruto, only 4 main countries are really recognized. These countries are Fire, Water, Sound, and Earth.

Countries and Villages
The Earth Country - Hidden Village of Rock
The Fire Country - Hidden Village of Leaf
The Grass Country - Hidden Village of Grass
The Lightning Country - Hidden Village of Cloud
The Rain Country - Hidden Village of Rain
The Sound Country - Hidden Village of Sound
The Wave Country - Hidden Village of Wave
The Water Country - Hidden Village of Mist
The Waterfall Country - Hidden Village of Waterfall
The Wind Country - Hidden Village of Sand

Meaning of Name

Ever wondered what a certain Naruto character's name meant? Well below is a list of some of the main characters and what their name means. This list is not very long, hopefully we can add more soon.

Abumi: stirrup
Anko: Sweet bean paste
Aoi: Hollyhock (Middle Eastern plant) or pale; blue
Choji: Favorite child or message of condolence
Choza: Long stay
Dosu: Frequency
Ebisu: Barbarian; savage or God of Wealth
Enko: Flame
Enma: Devil; ruler of Hades
Fujin: God of Wind
Gaara: Death, mark on forehead symbolizes his love for death
Gai: Guy or determination
Gekko: Excited; enraged or (n) moonlight
Gamabunta: Toad King
Haku: To wear or to sweep
Hana: Flower; petal
Haruno: Spring of...
Hashigaki: Dried persimmons
Hatake: Field
Hiashi: Spread of fire or daytime
Hinata: Sunny area
Hizashi: Sunlight; ray of sun
Hokage: Fire shadow
Homura: Flame; blaze
Hyuga: Sun
Ibiki: Snoring
Inari: Favored boiled rice
Inoichi: Life (mortal)
Itachi: Weasel; skunk
Iruka: Dolphin
Kabuto: Helmet
Kaguya: Furniture store; furniture dealer
Kakashi: Scarecrow
Karasu: Crow
Kazekage: Wind shadow
Kiba: Fangs; tusk
Kin: Napkin; cloth
Kinuta: Wooden or stone block for beating cloth
Kisame: Demon Shark
Koharu: Early autumn; early fall
Korasu: Kills
Kurenai: Crimson red (Color)
Kuroari: Black Ant
Makimono: Scroll
Makibishi: Caltrop (spiked device scattered to maim infantry and horses)
Mitarashi: Font of purifying water placed at the entrance of a shrine
Mizu: Water
Mizuki: Dogwood (North American tree from Florida)
Moegi: Sprouts
Nara: If; in case
Naruto: Steamed fish-paste cake or maelstrom (whirlpool of extraordinary size & violence)
Neji: Spiral, helix, screw
Orochimaru: Legendary mythical character
Raijin: God of Lightning
Rin: Companion
Rokushou: Hexastich (1st six books of Old Testament) or copper rust
Sakura: Cherry blossom
Sanshôuo: Salamander
Sarutobi: Family name of Legenday Shinobis
Sasori: Scorpion
Sasuke: Maiden name of Legendary Shinobis
Shibi: Ornamental ridge-end tile
Shikaku: Assassin or blind spot
Shukaku: Host and guest or drinker
Suzumebachi: Large stinging paper wasp
Temari: Traditional Japanese handball game
Tenten: Moving from place to place
Tonton: Tapping
Toji: Winter solstice, housekeeper, words of condolence, government, clay or taking a bath
Tsuchi: Earth; soil
Tsunade: mooring rope
Tsunami: Wave
Tsurugu: Sword
Uchiha: Fan
Udon: Noodles (Japaneses)
Ukon: Turmeric (India tropical plant)
Umino: Pool of...
Utatane: Napping; dozing
Uzumaki: Spirals
Wasabi: Japanese horseradish or fish sauce
Yakushi: Translated poem or The Healing Buddha
Yoroi: Body armor
Yuuhi: Setting sun